1. Cara Praktis Flashing Ponsel Samsung.rar 2. Cara Praktis Flashing Ponsel Sony Ericsson.rar 3. Diagram Blok Pada Ponsel.rar 4. Fungsi Setiap Komponen Ponsel.rar 5. Fungsi Tombol Pada Ufs Tornado.rar 6. Installasi Driver & Data Ufs Tornado.rar 7. Installasi Software Ufs Box Tornado.rar 8. Kerusakan 1st Boot Error dan Bad Resp DCT3.rar 9. Kerusakan Contact Retailer dan Blinking Nokia 6600.rar 10. Kerusakan Contact Retailer dan Blinking.rar 11. Kerusakan Contact Service.rar 12. Kerusakan Pada Setiap Komponen.rar 13. Komponen Elektronika Dasar Ponsel.rar 14. Mengatasi Phone Lock Ponsel Nokia.rar 15. Not Charging dan No Signal Karena Software.rar

how to Format the MTK phone without kill it with spiderMan

how to format the phone without kill it with spiderMan
alot of user say that they kill the phone if format with auto format
and they use manual format to format the phone

Even with manual format you can kill your phone 
but there is why you kill the phone in format
Spider man cant format the phone with adress 0×800000 size 0x1FF000
So if you have got (auto format info with this adress) if you format the phone you will kill it
so her is the way to fromat it
1- Chose manual format Fat
2- clik default Set button (beside manual format Fat ) and chose first choise from the drop list -Nor(16m) 0xF00000 – 0×100000
so now there is no phones will die with Spider
and you can use auto format with all phone with other adresses