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Hot News with Google Trends

Want to know what is often searched on the Internet? If you just want to know the comparison of words that are often searched by google, you can use Google Trends, you want to find 10 keywords that are often needed in all countries, can use the Google Zeitgeist. But now Google Zeitgeist does not include the country of Indonesia.
Goolge well with the trend, we can see the results by entering keywords in advance. What if we want to find keywords that are frequently searched by google? Considering Google is the search engine world.
Has it occurred to find the following?
What cars are most in search of a country?
What's most wanted men in Indonesia?
In the town of C. What is the most sought after internet users?
What is the ratio of keyword search-X in country A, B and C?

Today we know these things are based on information provided by Google, with new facilities. The new facility Google Insights for Search. With this feature, we can find a word or looking for something that is popular with various options such as which country, city / province where, for certain categories and over. In addition to knowing the words (keywords) that often look for in a city or country, with Google Insight, we can also compare search for a specific country or city. Results will be presented in a chart or map, with a pretty interesting idea.Compared with Google Trends and Google Zeitgeist, this function is more interesting. To find out how much percentage comparisons are presented (the number appears in the graph), then connect to your Google. But the value does not indicate how many times the number of searches, but it is a comparative study in percent (