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World's cheapest laptop

If the plan is materialized pemerinta India then the laptop will become the world's cheapest laptop. Indian Human Resources Minister, Kapil Sibal, said that low-cost computer that will be designed for high school students.
According to him, which dipimpintya ministry has entered into discussions with a number of global companies to produce cheap laptops in the amount of mass. "We have reached a place that today, motherboards, chips, processors and all of them accumulate at USD 35, including memory, screen and everything," said Sibal told Reuters today.
He said with a touch screen device that also includes software such as Internet browsers, PDF readers, and video conferencing facilities. Although the price is cheap, but the laptop was designed to be flexible enough so that can be added with new devices as needed.
Sibal added that the laptop will use Linux operating bases. While low-cost laptop model that is being developed by a team at the Indian Institute of Technology.
India spends three percent of its annual budget to education, especially to encourage literacy rate above 62 percent of the total population reached 1.2 billion people. However, a study showed that many students in India who can not read and write, and many public schools with inadequate facilities.
When will our country Indonesia is able to create and produce their own notebook work our nation's children? If the aircraft, tankers and weapons we are able to make properly could Laptop dong.
Ref: JPNN, Reuters

While the level of need and demand for IT technology goods is rising rapidly, India made a breakthrough that is fast compared to other countries planning to produce Laptop or Notebook cheapest in the world. Imagine only with money USD 300.000an (U.S. $ 35) you can bring home a new laptop with touch screen technology as well.